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Thursday, July 23, 2020

Development EBOOK : Legacy systems modernization: Roadmap to the Digital Future [Free]

 eBrochure contains an expert guide and 3 real cases of businesses leaving legacy IT solutions behind with Avenga.

In the eBrochure below, we are not going to convince you if IT legacy systems are bad or good. The decision is all yours. 

Our experience shows that tackling legacy systems and infrastructure is complex, costly and often slow to demonstrable return on capital.

Are you weighing IF or HOW to replace dated, but still working systems? 

We are going to present you some facts and a roadmap of how to manage the lifecycle of your business in the context of inevitable changes in digital transformation.

It’s about how to quantify the risk factors, opportunity costs and implement the changes from a technical point of view. Also, skipping the rhetorics, we offer you 3 real cases of our financial and pharma clients modernizing or redesigning legacy technology.

Our client initially needed some minor improvements of their existing financial data management system. As a result, the company’s overall workflow productivity increased by several times. So, after a meticulous business and tech audit, we suggested new functionality while rebuilding the existing one. We designed a migration plan and successfully moved from enterprise server to the embedded adding BI for advanced intelligence and additional redesign options. Legacy modernization for them meant timely response to customer expectations, prompt data analytics and market competitiveness.

This case and a few more are in our playbook. 

Explore how to balance risks and opportunities and deliver your services to your customers in the very right way.

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