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Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Digital publishing EBOOK : How to Write and Publish Your First Book in Less Than 30 Days: A Beginner's Guide (Free)

So many people want to write and publish a book these days, but don’t have the confidence to actually do it, don’t believe in their abilities, don’t know where to start, have their doubts and fear failure, think others will make fun of them and no one would take their new endeavor seriously.
Well, guess what?
You can do it.

You don’t have to be an expert, you just need to know more than the average person. The idea is to identify one or more of the problems people have and try to help them by giving them the needed information, step-by-step plan on how to fix it and what to expect, encourage and inspire them.
And even if you’re starting from the bottom and are completely unfamiliar with the topic you want to write about, you can still do your research and create a great book.

All the aspects of the process of writing and publishing a book are a journey, an adventure you’ve decided to take that has a purpose, it’s meaningful and this way you contribute to the world.
Also, the moment the reader opens your book, it’s when you’re taking him on a journey. He’s now on a quest to a better self, following the path you created for him, learning what you know, listening to your opinion and spending an hour or a few of his day to see how you can help him.
Appreciate that. His time is limited and he can’t take it back. So it’s your duty to make it count.
Don’t forget that while writing, or even editing and promoting.
It will help you feel content even when on the verge of giving up.
If - instead of doubts, fears and insecurity - you’re full of gratitude, peace and joy, your book will turn into an inspiring reading.                         

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