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Thursday, August 13, 2020

Problem? What Problem? - Dealing Effectively with Impediments using Agile Thinking with Problem-solving Practices (Price: $9.99 USD )



This is the first book specifically about dealing with impediments using agile thinking with problem-solving practices. In this book, I explain why dealing with impediments matters. The book also provides approaches for you to effectively handle impediments in teams and beyond the teams. I'm also sharing experience stories from my practice. More

Available ebook formats: epub

  • Words: 19,600
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 9789492119247
About Ben Linders

Ben Linders: Trainer / Coach / Adviser / Author / Speaker

Ben Linders is a Independent Consultant in Agile, Lean, Quality and Continuous Improvement, based in The Netherlands. Author of Getting Value out of Agile Retrospectives, Waardevolle Agile Retrospectives, What Drives Quality, The Agile Self-assessment Game, and Problem? What problem?. Creator of the Agile Self-assessment Game.

As an advisor, coach and trainer he helps organizations by deploying effective software development and management practices. He focuses on continuous improvement, collaboration and communication, and professional development, to deliver business value to customers.

Together with Luis Gonçalves I wrote the book Getting Value out of Agile Retrospectives which has been translated into many other languages. I'm now working on my 4th book, Problem> What Problem?, about problem-solving using an agile mindset and practices.

Ben is an active member of networks on Agile, Lean and Quality, and a well known speaker and author. He shares his experiences in a bilingual blog (Dutch and English), as an editor for Culture and Methods at InfoQ and as an expert in communities like Computable, Quora, DZone, and TechTarget. Follow him on twitter: @BenLinders.

In need of training, coaching, advice, consultancy, speaking? Have a question? Contact me!    



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