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Monday, August 10, 2020

Regulatory ComplianceeBook : E-discovery in 2020: COVID-19's Impact on Our Data Footprint

 Cloud-based communication data has emerged. What does this mean for legal teams moving forward?

Date: Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Time: 2pm ET | 11am PT

Sponsored by: FTI Consulting


The pandemic has affected the entire world in many ways, personally and professionally. Like any major event, the impact of the pandemic and its ripple effects will be studied for many years to come. This holds true for e-discovery.

Virtually overnight, employees around the globe made the shift from in-office to at home work. This came with accelerated adoption of cloud-based collaboration and communication tools to keep workers on track at home.

What used to make up a minor portion of discoverable data has now come to the forefront. Cloud-based communication data is no longer emerging, it has emerged.

Join this webcast as industry experts examine the impact of rapid change in our discoverable data make-up. Attendees will learn:

  • Data trends resulting from work from home policies.
  • What the shift in discoverable data means for legal teams.
  • How to adapt and adjust data management policies.
  • Approaches to analyzing rich media and fragmented chat strings using AI.



Tim Anderson | Managing Director | FTI Technology

Jeff Braislin | Sr. Manager, Product and Solution Marketing | FTI Technology

Click here to Download this Free eBook !

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